Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Clase De MKT

I was in my marketing class in the morning and well cause is a 7am class not all made it on time, but anyway we had a 9 person class so it was a little bit more personal but any way almost at the end i start browsing some friends spaces or blogs in msn.
Basically i start borrowing some pics for my blog from a special person from Guadalajara and her trip to france she has really good pics.

I really enjoy some of them and think they are worthy to be shared.
Im having a great day tuesday is not so bad and looking forward for some more coffee today

1 comment:

Sonia Villaseñor said...

mmm... casualmente la ando viendo...que bonita.. y que bueno que sea compartida, aunque solo como una foto y no como un recuerdo compartido.

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