Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Foto de la semana | ha pasado de tener una relación a estar soltero.

Facebook 22.15hrs one of those posts or information is revealed, and i love how it works probably is the time when more people localy are loged on.

ha pasado de tener una relación a estar soltero.
Hace 15 minutos · Comentar.

and well I already bored my brains out with restaurant city taht seems like ages or like a year and a half since i didnt open it.

Probably tommorow il get my beard shaved, and probably i will go on a tie hunting and probbably a new set of contact lenses. Fuck how i miss them.
And well i was thinking about tonights pic that looks just perfect for a magazine article, I also thought about the place in the paper that she should have.

But whatever i need to go for some cold beers or somthing on my free day.

And well to make it better just a funny msg from an well lest just say someone else is married , common, Im not against marriage or babys, go for it have fun you know whatevere , but im still baffled on how to handdle the information about it.
No more closure, and run out of tape to fix the broken pieces of....

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