Friday, July 07, 2006

Kandersteg Internacional Scout Center

I arrive just a few days ago I travelled all night from paris to swiss and well it was kinda triky to get here due to all the burocratics things i had to do in france with the scout association.
But finally i leave jambville and take a night train to get here it was everthing and even morre than i had inmagined.
This scout center is run by volunters of many nations and all together work togehter in many differents tasks and changing and rotaint them so evervody gets to do somthing different every time.
Its really impresive to arrive here and find lots of people from so many differents nationalites and right now inm notr talking about the staff that is also an amazing work team but, some scout sfrom germany uk irland and so on, and for example yestarday one of the activities in the afternoon was pionering and it was made of international team competing and playing all together.
The thing about this place is tha it dosent matter if you are really skilled or not but to share the experoience of being here, just last week the new volunters finish their training in here(short term volunters).

Ill try to finish later

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