Wednesday, March 19, 2008

stupid politicians

Yo diria algo sabio para compenzar,
i was actually listening to the radio and how a left political party was fighting about some internal elections they had.
The funny thing is that this same party was the one who tried to boicot the last presidential elections with their motto "voto por voto Casilla por casilla", it was so funny that the now dont even trust themselves and are using this same motto for thei own elections.
I was trying so hard not to laught out loud about this stupid polemic and it actually renforce my opinion against this political party cause well how can i trust in their judgment if they can´t even trust themselves, how the fuck im going to trust them with the goberment of my country, well im fucked up cause they rule my city but well spending money on pools for poor people who actually dont have water in their houses or well at least bathing suites , jejejej but well we are going to have a METRO BUS, havent heard about more second floors of the periferic but the metro bus is going to be a peso more expensive so anyway thats a lot cause its already 3.50 people i know this is really cheap but it can really affect a raise of 50 cents inmagine a whole peso.
well just babling about polotics and stupid things the PRD does
i dont,and won´t vote for them
and also will not help enterprises to laundry money by asking us to give them the spare cents we have so i say NO AL REDONDEO

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