I was thinking in how stupid can our actual society could be cause well a problem usally is somthing without a solution , like if you live in africa and you are a poor kid starving to death, or a taliban guy waiting not for a bomb from the us to fall from the sky.
SOme of my problems i guess are nothing in comparison to that shit...
Sometimes i guess the problem depends on how you look a t it, and somtimes if you focus in somthing else than the problem you could find a solution.
what are soe of my fucking problems:
not having money, being shy, no gas, finding a place to stay, finding a job, my city traffic, finding a car that picks us up, being an asshole, not having any inspiration, living far away, not being able to travel as much as i wish, not living in the fucking p...
I wish i can dream more...
I wish i needed to wake up earlier
I wish i had real problems
I wish if only
I'll have to cross the city in a while that could be a problem, il have to make some conversation, I'll have to wait and be part of a system.
I'll have to turn my back again for a while and shout out again Jakuna Matata
Fuck off
Fuck the problems
Fuck everything...
Im just piss off about somethings, about some stuff, about, about...
what the fuck is as usual one of those days when everthing is fuck, and everybody suck...
Im glad i could cheer up a confused girl on rainy friday, after she fight with her mom and faith let me cheer her up...
Yestarday someone told me that i only come back when im in need, and maybe thats right, maybe not entirely of that precise help, but it helps to pass the pain and forgot for a while...
Maybe Im not that stoned guy an old classmate use to love who lives in the usa and I tried to write just like him use the dots in some endings like trying to say somthing more deeply...
The same person of yestarday told me i have a ghost hounting me, and there is a song that say how can i leave you if Im already far from you...
It all comes to the same thing faith and time, som rastas would say nanana naa nananana naa, talking about you is always the same.
I leave some spaces cause i know somtimes is hard to keep track and wel today i was reading an e-mail and well that was really hard cause it was long an well all together without spaces.
but well to finish this is an essay of some really existensial problems